


本文是2024年论文速递系列的第一篇文章,我们精选了Journal of Finance Issue 1-3中与资产定价相关的论文,并提供中文及英文摘要,供读者参考。

Front-Page News: The Effect of News Positioning on Financial Markets

来源:Journal of Finance, Volume 79, Issue 1

作者:Anastassia Fedyk

Abstract:This paper estimates the effect of news positioning on the speed of price discovery, using exogenous variation in prominent (“front-page”) positioning of news articles on the Bloomberg terminal. Front-page articles see 240% higher trading volume and 176% larger absolute excess returns during the first 10 minutes after publication than equally important non-front-page articles. Overall, the information in front-page articles is fully incorporated into prices within an hour of publication. The response to non-front-page information of similar importance eventually converges but takes more than two days to be fully reflected in prices.


Liquidation Value and Loan Pricing

来源:Journal of Finance, Volume 79, Issue 1

作者:Francesca Barbiero, Glenn Schepens and Jean‐david Sigaux

Abstract:This paper shows that the liquidation value of collateral depends on the interdependency between borrower and collateral risk. Using transaction‐level data on short‐term repurchase agreements (repo), we show that borrowers pay a premium of 1.1 to 2.6 basis points when their default risk is positively correlated with the risk of the collateral that they pledge. Moreover, we show that borrowers internalize this premium when making their collateral choices. Loan‐level credit registry data suggest that the results extend to the corporate loan market as well.


Interest Rate Skewness and Biased Beliefs

来源:Journal of Finance, Volume 79, Issue 1

作者:Michael Bauer and Mikhail Chernov

Abstract:Conditional skewness of Treasury yields is an important indicator of the risks to the macroeconomic outlook. Positive skewness signals upside risk to interest rates during periods of accommodative monetary policy and an upward‐sloping yield curve, and vice versa. Skewness has substantial predictive power for future bond excess returns, high‐frequency interest rate changes around Federal Open Market Committee announcements, and survey forecast errors for interest rates. The estimated expectational errors, or biases in beliefs, are quantitatively important for statistical bond risk premia. These findings are consistent with a heterogeneous‐beliefs model in which one of the agents is wrong about consumption growth.


The Virtue of Complexity in Return Prediction

来源:Journal of Finance, Volume 79, Issue 1

作者:Bryan Kelly, Semyon Malamud and Kangying Zhou

Abstract: Much of the extant literature predicts market returns with “simple” models that use only a few parameters. Contrary to conventional wisdom, we theoretically prove that simple models severely understate return predictability compared to “complex” models in which the number of parameters exceeds the number of observations. We empirically document the virtue of complexity in U.S. equity market return prediction. Our findings establish the rationale for modeling expected returns through machine learning.


Foreign Exchange Fixings and Returns around the Clock
来源:Journal of Finance, Volume 79, Issue 1

作者:Ingomar Krohn, Philippe Mueller and Paul Whelan

Abstract:The U.S. dollar appreciates in the run-up to foreign exchange (FX) fixes and depreciates thereafter, tracing a W-shaped return pattern around the clock. Return reversals for the top nine traded currencies over a 21-year period are pervasive and highly statistically significant, and they imply daily swings of more than one billion U.S. dollars based on spot volumes. Using natural experiments, we document the existence of a published reference rate determines the timing of intraday return reversals. We present evidence consistent with an inventory risk explanation whereby FX dealers intermediate unconditional demand for U.S. dollars at the fixes.


Informed Trading Intensity

来源:Journal of Finance, Volume 79, Issue 2

作者:Vincent Bogousslavsky, Vyacheslav Fos and Dmitriy Muravyev

Abstract:We train a machine learning method on a class of informed trades to develop a new measure of informed trading, informed trading intensity (ITI). ITI increases before earnings, mergers and acquisitions, and news announcements, and has implications for return reversal and asset pricing. ITI is effective because it captures nonlinearities and interactions between informed trading, volume, and volatility. This data-driven approach can shed light on the economics of informed trading, including impatient informed trading, commonality in informed trading, and models of informed trading. Overall, learning from informed trading data can generate an effective informed trading measure.


How Integrated are Credit and Equity Markets? Evidence from Index Options

来源:Journal of Finance, Volume 79, Issue 2

作者:Pierre Collin‐dufresne, Benjamin Junge and Anders B. Trolle

Abstract:We study the extent to which credit index (CDX) options are priced consistent with S&P 500 (SPX) equity index options. We derive analytical expressions for CDX and SPX options within a structural credit-risk model with stochastic volatility and jumps using new results for pricing compound options via multivariate affine transform analysis. The model captures many aspects of the joint dynamics of CDX and SPX options. However, it cannot reconcile the relative levels of option prices, suggesting that credit and equity markets are not fully integrated. A strategy of selling CDX volatility yields significantly higher excess returns than selling SPX volatility.


Dissecting the Long-Term Performance of the Chinese Stock Market

来源:Journal of Finance, Volume 79, Issue 2

作者:Franklin Allen, Jun (qj) Qian, Chenyu Shan and Julie Lei Zhu

Abstract:Domestically listed Chinese (A-share) firms have lower stock returns than externally listed Chinese, developed, and emerging country firms during 2000 to 2018. They also have lower net cash flows than matched unlisted Chinese firms. The underperformance of both stock and accounting returns is more pronounced for large A-share firms, while small firms show no underperformance along either dimension. Investor sentiment explains low stock returns in the cross-country and within-A-share samples. Institutional deficiencies in listing and delisting processes and weak corporate governance in terms of shareholder value creation are consistent with the underperformance in stock returns and net cash flows.


Leverage Is a Double-Edged Sword

来源:Journal of Finance, Volume 79, Issue 2

作者:Avanidhar Subrahmanyam, Ke Tang, Jingyuan Wang and Xuewei Yang

Abstract:We use proprietary data on intraday transactions at a futures brokerage to analyze how implied leverage influences trading performance. Across all investors, leverage is negatively related to performance, due partly to increased trading costs and partly to forced liquidations resulting from margin calls. Defining skill out‐of‐sample, we find that relative performance differentials across unskilled and skilled investors persist. Unskilled investors' leverage amplifies losses from lottery preferences and the disposition effect. Leverage stimulates liquidity provision by skilled investors, and enhances returns. Although regulatory increases in required margins decrease skilled investors' returns, they enhance overall returns, and attenuate return volatility.


Choosing to Disagree: Endogenous Dismissiveness and Overconfidence in Financial Markets

来源:Journal of Finance, Volume 79, Issue 2

作者:Snehal Banerjee, Jesse Davis and Naveen Gondhi

Abstract:The psychology literature documents that individuals derive current utility from their beliefs about future events. We show that, as a result, investors in financial markets choose to disagree about both private information and price information. When objective price informativeness is low, each investor dismisses the private signals of others and ignores price information. In contrast, when prices are sufficiently informative, heterogeneous interpretations arise endogenously: most investors ignore prices, while the rest condition on it. Our analysis demonstrates how observed deviations from rational expectations (e.g., dismissiveness, overconfidence) arise endogenously, interact with each other, and vary with economic conditions.


Monetary Policy and Asset Price Overshooting: A Rationale for the Wall/Main Street Disconnect

来源:Journal of Finance, Volume 79, Issue 3

作者:Ricardo Caballero and Alp Simsek

Abstract:We analyze optimal monetary policy and its implications for asset prices when aggregate demand has inertia. If there is a negative output gap, the central bank optimally overshoots aggregate asset prices (above their steady-state levels consistent with current potential output). Overshooting leads to a temporary disconnect between the performance of financial markets and the real economy, but accelerates the recovery. When there is a lower bound constraint on the discount rate, good macroeconomic news is better news for asset prices when the output gap is more negative. Finally, we document that during the COVID-19 recovery, the policy-induced overshooting was large.


Countercyclical Income Risk and Portfolio Choices: Evidence from Sweden

来源:Journal of Finance, Volume 79, Issue 3

作者:Sylvain Catherine, Paolo Sodini and Yapei Zhang

Abstract:Using Swedish administrative panel data, we document that workers facing higher left-tail income risk when equity markets perform poorly have lower portfolio equity share. In line with theory, the relationship between cyclical skewness and stock holdings increases with the share of human capital in a worker's total wealth and vanishes as workers get closer to retirement. Cyclical skewness also predicts portfolio differences within pairs of identical twins. Our findings show that households hedge against correlated tail risks, an important mechanism in asset pricing and portfolio choice models.


A Horizon-Based Decomposition of Mutual Fund Value Added Using Transactions

来源:Journal of Finance, Volume 79, Issue 3

Jules van Binsbergen, Jungsuk Han, Hongxun Ruan and Ran Xing

Abstract:We decompose mutual fund value added by the length of funds' holdings using transaction-level data. We motivate our decomposition with a model featuring horizon-specific investment ideas, where short-term ideas are less scalable because the associated trades cannot be spread over time. Fund turnover correlates negatively with the horizon over which value is added and positively with price impact costs. As predicted, holdings of high-turnover funds add a substantial amount of value in the first two weeks, of which more than 80% is earned on Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) and earnings announcement days. Holdings of low-turnover funds add value only over longer horizons.


A Portfolio Approach to Global Imbalances

来源:Journal of Finance, Volume 79, Issue 3

作者:Zhengyang Jiang, Robert Richmond and Tony Zhang

Abstract:We use a portfolio-based framework to understand what drives the decline of the U.S. net foreign asset (NFA) position and the reversal in returns earned on the U.S. NFA (exorbitant privilege). We show that global savings gluts and monetary policies widened the U.S. NFA position, while investor demand shifts partially offset this widening. Moreover, U.S. privilege declined after 2010, in line with increasing foreign demand for U.S. equity. We also highlight a quantity dimension of the U.S. privilege: The U.S. can issue substantially more debt than other countries for a given yield increase. 


The Term Structure of Covered Interest Rate Parity Violations

来源:Journal of Finance, Volume 79, Issue 3

作者:Patrick Augustin, Mikhail Chernov, Lukas Schmid and Dongho Song

Abstract:We quantify the impact of risk-based and nonrisk-based intermediary constraints (IC) on the term structure of covered interest rate parity (CIP) violations. Using a stochastic discount factor (SDF) inferred from interest rate swaps, we value currency derivatives. The wedge between model-implied and observed derivative prices reflects the impact of nonrisk-based IC because our SDF incorporates risk-based IC. There is no wedge at short horizons, while the wedge accounts for 40% of long-term CIP violations. Consistent with IC theory, the wedge correlates with the shadow cost of intermediary capital, and the SDF-implied interest rate is a weighted average of collateralized and uncollateralized interest rates.


Does Alternative Data Improve Financial Forecasting? The Horizon Effect

来源:Journal of Finance, Volume 79, Issue 1

作者:Olivier Dessaint, Thierry Foucault and Laurent Fresard

Abstract:Existing research suggests that alternative data are mainly informative about short-term future outcomes. We show theoretically that the availability of short-term-oriented data can induce forecasters to optimally shift their attention from the long term to the short term because it reduces the cost of obtaining short-term information. Consequently, the informativeness of their long-term forecasts decreases, even though the informativeness of their short-term forecasts increases. We test and confirm this prediction by considering how the informativeness of equity analysts' forecasts at various horizons varies over the long run and with their exposure to social media data.


Modeling Conditional Factor Risk Premia Implied by Index Option Returns

来源:Journal of Finance, Volume 79, Issue 1

作者:Mathieu Fournier, Kris Jacobs and Piotr Orłowski

Abstract:We propose a novel factor model for option returns. Option exposures are estimated nonparametrically, and factor risk premia can vary nonlinearly with states. The model is estimated using regressions with minimal assumptions on factor and option return dynamics. We estimate the model using index options to characterize the conditional risk premia for factors of interest, such as the market return, market variance, tail and intermediary risk factors, higher moments, and the VIX term structure slope. Together, market return and variance explain more than 90% of option return variation. Unconditionally, the magnitude of the variance risk premium is plausible. It displays pronounced time variation, spikes during crises, and always has the expected sign.

