


本文是2024年论文速递系列的第二篇文章,我们精选了Journal of Financial Economics Volume 151-154 中与资产定价相关的论文,并提供中文及英文摘要,供读者参考。

The use of asset growth in empirical asset pricing models
来源:Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 151

作者:Michael Cooper, Huseyin Gulen and Mihai Ion

Abstract:We show that the performance of the new factor models of Hou et al. (2015) and Fama and French (2015) depends crucially on how their investment factor is constructed. Both models use growth in total assets to measure investment. Their ability to price the cross-section of returns decreases significantly when the investment factor is constructed using traditional investment measures, or measures that also account for investment in intangibles. In contrast, we find that factors based on growth in inventory and accounts receivable contain the bulk of the pricing information in the asset growth factor. We show evidence that the superior performance of the asset growth factor seems to be attributable to its ability to capture aggregate shocks to equity financing costs.

摘要:我们展示了Hou et al. (2015)和Fama and French (2015)提出的新因子模型的表现在很大程度上取决于其投资因子的构建方式。这两个模型都使用总资产增长来衡量投资。当投资因子使用传统的投资指标或考虑无形资产投资的指标构建时,其对横截面收益定价的能力显著下降。相反,我们发现基于库存增长和应收账款增长的因子包含了资产增长因子中大部分的定价信息。我们的证据表明,资产增长因子的优越性似乎能归因于其抵抗股权融资成本的冲击的能力。

Learning about the consumption risk exposure of firms

来源:Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 152

作者:Yongjin Kim, Lars-Alexander Kuehn and Kai Li

Abstract:We structurally estimate an investment-based asset pricing model, in which firms' exposure to macroeconomic risk is unknown. Bayesian beliefs about this parameter are updated from firms' and industry peers' comovement between their productivity and consumption growth. The model implies that discount rates rise endogenously with the perceived risk exposure of firms, thereby depressing investment and valuation ratios. We test these predictions in the data and find strong support for them. We also confirm that cross-sectional learning from peers is crucial and that alternative Bayesian risk estimates, which ignore peer observations, do not predict firm variables.


Disagreement about public information quality and informational price efficiency
来源:Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 152

作者:Chong Huang, Radhika Lunawat and Qiguang Wang

Abstract:Investors often hold differing opinions on public information quality. This paper shows that such investor disagreement provides a novel explanation for financial market dynamics around earnings announcements. We propose a rational expectations equilibrium model where investors disagree about the precision of a public signal, which separates a pre-news trading period from a post-news trading period. In equilibrium, investor disagreement about public signal precision diminishes informational price efficiency before the news, but enhances it afterward. Consequently, investor disagreement leads to a notable jump in informed trading around the news, a decline in abnormal trading volume before the news and a surge immediately after the news, and underreaction of stock price to announced earnings.


Collateral eligibility of corporate debt in the Eurosystem

来源:Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 153

作者:Loriana Pelizzon, Max Riedel, Zorka Simon and Marti G. Subrahmanyam

Abstract: We study the many implications of the Eurosystem collateral framework for corporate bonds. Using data on the evolving collateral eligibility list, we identify the first inclusion dates of bonds and issuers and use these events to find that the increased supply and demand for pledgeable collateral following eligibility (a) increases activity in the corporate securities lending market, (b) lowers eligible bond yields, and (c) affects bond liquidity. Thus, corporate bond lending relaxes the constraint of limited collateral supply and thereby improves market functioning.

摘要:我们研究了欧洲系统抵押品框架对公司债券的多种影响。利用不断变化的抵押品合格清单数据,我们确定了债券和发行人的首次入选日期,并利用这些事件发现,合格抵押品增加的供需 (a) 增加了公司证券借贷市场的活动,(b) 降低了合格债券的收益率,(c) 影响了债券的流动性。因此,公司债券借贷缓解了有限抵押品供应的约束,从而改善了市场运作。

Personality differences and investment decision-making
来源:Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 153

作者:Zhengyang Jiang, Cameron Peng and Hongjun Yan

Abstract:We survey thousands of affluent American investors to examine the relationship between personalities and investment decisions. The Big Five personality traits correlate with investors' beliefs about the stock market and economy, risk preferences, and social interaction tendencies. Two personality traits, Neuroticism and Openness, stand out in their explanatory power for equity investments. Investors with high Neuroticism and those with low Openness tend to allocate less investment to equities. We examine the underlying mechanisms and find evidence for both standard channels of preferences and beliefs and other nonstandard channels. We show consistent out-of-sample evidence in representative panels of Australian and German households.


Fearing the Fed: How wall street reads main street
来源:Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 153

作者:Vadim Elenev, Tzuo-Hann Law, Dongho Song and Amir Yaron

Abstract:We provide strong evidence of a countercyclical sensitivity of the stock market to major macroeconomic announcements. The most notable cyclical variation takes place within expansions: sensitivity is largest early in an expansion and essentially zero late in an expansion. By exploiting the comovement pattern between stocks and bonds around announcements, we show that the stock market sensitivity is large when the cash flow component of news is least offset by news about future risk-free rates. Observed fluctuations in stock sensitivities can be attributed to shifting perceptions of monetary policy responsiveness.


Disagreement, information quality and asset prices
来源:Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 153
作者:Costas Xiouros and Fernando Zapatero

Abstract:We present an analytical solution for a pure exchange economy featuring a continuum of agents with disagreement, time-varying information quality, and reference-dependent preferences. Our general equilibrium model exhibits stationary dynamics. By examining the implications of the model, we find that the commonly studied asset pricing channels of disagreement have limited quantitative significance. On the other hand, variations in information quality, which affect disagreement levels, lead to substantial excess stock price volatility. This finding contributes significantly to explaining the equity premium and sheds light on empirical relationships between forecast dispersion and asset prices, the upward sloping real yield curve, and long-term yield movements.


Charting by machines
来源:Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 153

作者:Scott Murray, Yusen Xia and Houping Xiao

Abstract:We test the efficient market hypothesis by using machine learning to forecast stock returns from historical performance. These forecasts strongly predict the cross-section of future stock returns. The predictive power holds in most subperiods and is strong among the largest 500 stocks. The forecasting function has important nonlinearities and interactions, is remarkably stable through time, and captures effects distinct from momentum, reversal, and extant technical signals. These findings question the efficient market hypothesis and indicate that technical analysis and charting have merit. We also demonstrate that machine learning models that perform well in optimization continue to perform well out-of-sample.


Is it alpha or beta? Decomposing hedge fund returns when models are misspecified
来源:Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 154

作者:David Ardia, Laurent Barras, Patrick Gagliardini and Olivier Scaillet

Abstract:We develop a novel approach to separate alpha and beta under model misspecification. It comes with formal tests to identify less misspecified models and sharpen the return decomposition of individual funds. Our hedge fund analysis reveals that: (i) prominent models are as misspecified as the CAPM, (ii) several factors (time-series momentum, variance, carry) capture alternative strategies and lower performance in all investment categories, (iii) fund heterogeneity in alpha and beta is large—an important result for fund selection and models of active management, (iv) performance is increasingly similar to mutual funds, (v) fund valuation is sensitive to investor sophistication.


Limited attention to detail in financial markets: Evidence from reduced-form and structural estimation
来源:Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 154

作者:Henrik Cronqvist, Tomislav Ladika, Elisa Pazaj and Zacharias Sautner

Abstract:We show that firm valuations fell after a key expense became more visible in financial statements. FAS 123-R required firms to deduct option compensation costs from earnings, instead of disclosing them in footnotes. Firms that granted high option pay experienced earnings reductions, while fundamentals remained unchanged. These firms were more likely to miss earnings forecasts, and they experienced recommendation downgrades and valuation declines. Our findings suggest that market participants exhibited limited attention to option costs before FAS 123-R. As we reuse the FAS 123-R natural experiment, we show how one can address confounding channels by integrating reduced-form and structural estimation.

摘要:我们发现,在一项关键费用在财务报表中变得更加透明后,公司估值下降。FAS 123-R要求公司从收益中扣除期权补偿成本,而不是在附注中披露这些成本。授予高期权薪酬的公司的收益下降,而基本面保持不变。这些公司更有可能未达到收益预期,并且其推荐评级下调和估值下降。我们的研究结果表明,在FAS 123-R之前,市场参与者对期权成本的关注有限。通过重用FAS 123-R这一自然实验,我们展示了如何通过整合简化形式和结构估计来解决混杂渠道问题。

Persistent and transitory components of firm characteristics: Implications for asset pricing
来源:Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 154

作者:Fahiz Baba-Yara, Martijn Boons and Andrea Tamoni

Abstract:We study the horizon dimension of cross-sectional return predictability using a model where characteristics contain both persistent and transitory components. We test the implications of this model for the average returns of popular characteristic-based trading strategies at short versus long horizons after portfolio formation. Our evidence supports the claim that the relative compensation for persistent and transitory components varies across characteristics, in both magnitude and sign. Benchmark factor models cannot explain the returns of portfolios sorted on characteristics where either the persistent or transitory component is dominant. Finally, we discuss implications for the long-term discount rates of firms.


Demand-and-supply imbalance risk and long-term swap spreads
来源:Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 154

作者:Samuel G. Hanson, Aytek Malkhozov and Gyuri Venter

Abstract:We develop and test a model in which swap spreads are determined by end users' demand for and constrained intermediaries' supply of long-term interest rate swaps. Swap spreads reflect compensation both for using scarce intermediary capital and for bearing convergence risk—i.e., the risk spreads will widen due to a future demand-and-supply imbalance. We show that a proxy for the intermediated quantity of swaps—dealers' net position in Treasuries—flipped sign during the Global Financial Crisis when swap spreads turned negative and that this variable predicts the excess returns on swap spread trades. Exploiting our model's sign restrictions, we identify shifts in demand and supply and find that both contribute significantly to the volatility of swap spreads.

