


本文是2024年论文速递系列的第四篇文章,我们精选了The Review of Financial Studies Volume 37 Issue 1-6 中与资产定价相关的论文,并提供中文及英文摘要,供读者参考。

Exchange Rate Dynamics and Monetary Spillovers with Imperfect Financial Markets
来源:The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 37, Issue 2

作者:Özge Akinci and Albert Queralto

Abstract:We develop a quantitative model with imperfections in domestic and international financial markets that generates strong effects of U.S. monetary policy on emerging markets (EMs). Financial imperfections prevent arbitrage both between local EM lending and borrowing rates, and between local-currency and dollar borrowing rates. An adverse feedback effect between financial health and external conditions amplifies the domestic “financial accelerator,” leading to large cross-border spillovers of U.S. monetary policy shocks. The model implies a link between uncovered interest parity violations and local credit spreads, a prediction we show the data strongly supports.

Currency Risk Premiums Redux

来源:The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 37, Issue 2

作者:Federico Nucera, Lucio Sarno and Gabriele Zinna

Abstract:We study a large currency cross-section using asset pricing methods that account for omitted-variable and measurement-error biases. First, we show that the pricing kernel includes at least three latent factors that resemble (but are not identical to) a strong U.S. “dollar” factor and two weak high Sharpe ratio “carry” and “momentum” slope factors. Evidence for an additional “value” factor is weaker. Second, using this pricing kernel, we find that only a small fraction of the over 100 nontradable candidate factors considered have a statistically significant risk premium, mostly relating to volatility, uncertainty, and liquidity conditions, rather than macro variables.Authors have furnished an Internet Appendix, which is available on the Oxford University Press Web site next to the link to the final published paper online.

Local Effects of Global Capital Flows: A China Shock in the U.S. Housing Market
来源:The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 37, Issue 3

作者:Zhimin Li, Leslie Sheng Shen and Calvin Zhang

Abstract:This paper studies the real effects of foreign real estate capital inflows. Using transaction-level data, we document (i) a “China shock” in the U.S. housing market characterized by surging foreign Chinese housing purchases after 2008, and (ii) “home bias” in these purchases, as they concentrate in neighborhoods historically populated by ethnic Chinese. Exploiting their temporal and spatial variation, we find that these capital inflows raise local employment, with the effect transmitted through a housing net worth channel. However, they displace local lower-income residents. Our results show that real estate capital inflows can both stimulate the real economy and induce gentrification.
摘要:本文研究外国房地产受资本流入的实际影响。利用交易层面的数据,我们记录了 (i) 美国房地产市场的“中国冲击”,其特点是 2008 年后外国华人购房数量激增,以及 (ii) 这些购房行为的“家庭偏好”,因为他们集中在历史上受华裔欢迎的社区。利用时间和空间变化,我们发现这些资本流入提高了当地就业率,其影响通过住房净值渠道传递。然而,它们取代了当地低收入居民。我们的结果表明,房地产资本流入既可以刺激实体经济,又可以引发士绅化。

Scale or Yield? A Present-Value Identity

来源:The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 37, Issue 3

作者:Thummim Cho, Lukas Kremens, Dongryeol Lee and Christopher Polk

Abstract:We propose a loglinear present-value identity in which investment (“scale”), profitability (“yield”), and discount rates determine a firm’s market-to-book ratio. Our identity reconciles existing influential market-to-book decompositions and facilitates novel insights from three empirical applications: (1) Both investment and profitability are important contributors to the value spread and stock return news variance. (2) Any cross-sectional return predictability has a mirror image in cash-flow fundamentals, providing asset pricing theories with additional moments to match. (3) The investment spread significantly improves the predictability of time-series variation in the value premium and justifies the poor performance of value in recent years.

Existence of the Wealth-Consumption Ratio in Asset Pricing Models with Recursive Preferences
来源:The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 37, Issue 3

作者:Walter Pohl, Karl Schmedders and Ole Wilms

Abstract:Modern asset pricing models combine recursive preferences with complex dynamics for the underlying consumption process. The existence of solutions is for many of these models an unsettled question. This paper introduces a novel technique to prove existence and nonexistence, as well as uniqueness for models with recursive preferences. The approach applies to many models of interest, including those with long-run consumption risks, with stochastic volatility and jumps, with time-varying consumption disasters, and with smooth ambiguity aversion and learning. Collectively, the proven results settle the existence question for many of today’s leading asset pricing models.

Noise in Expectations: Evidence from Analyst Forecasts
来源:The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 37, Issue 5

作者:Tim de Silva and David Thesmar

Abstract:Analyst forecasts outperform econometric forecasts in the short run but underperform in the long run. We decompose these differences in forecasting accuracy into analysts’ information advantage, forecast bias, and forecast noise. We find that noise and bias strongly increase with forecast horizon, while analysts’ information advantage decays rapidly. A noise increase with horizon generates a mechanical reversal in the sign of the error-revision (Coibion-Gorodnichenko) regression coefficient at longer horizons, independently of over-/underreaction. A parsimonious model with bounded rationality and a noisy cognitive default matches the term structures of noise and bias jointly.

Are Analyst “Top Picks” Informative?
来源:The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 37, Issue 5
作者:Justin Birru, Sinan Gokkaya, Xi Liu and René Stulz

Abstract:Following the Global Settlement, analysts extensively use a top pick designation allowing for greater granularity of information among buy recommended stocks, but conflicts of interest can potentially influence this designation. Examining a novel sample of top picks, we find that a calendar-time portfolio of top picks generates an abnormal performance of 17.6% per year. Top picks have greater investment value than do buy recommendations and alternative analyst investment strategies. Both institutional and retail investors trade in response to top picks. However, only institutional investors appear to identify top picks that have greater investment value when they are announced.

Corporate Climate Risk: Measurements and Responses
来源:The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 37, Issue 6

作者:Qing Li, Hongyu Shan, Yuehua Tang and Vincent Yao

Abstract:This paper conducts a textual analysis of earnings call transcripts to quantify climate risk exposure at the firm level. We construct dictionaries that measure physical and transition climate risks separately and identify firms that proactively respond to climate risks. Our validation analysis shows that our measures capture firm-level variations in respective climate risk exposure. Firms facing high transition risk, especially those that do not proactively respond, have been valued at a discount in recent years as aggregate investor attention to climate-related issues has been increasing. We document differences in how firms respond through investment, green innovation, and employment when facing high climate risk exposure.

Equity Return Expectations and Portfolios: Evidence from Large Asset Managers
来源:The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 37, Issue 6

作者:Magnus Dahlquist and Markus Ibert

Abstract:Collecting large asset managers’ capital market assumptions, we revisit the relationships between subjective equity premium expectations, equity valuations, and financial portfolios. In contrast to the well-documented extrapolative expectations of retail investors, asset managers’ equity premium expectations are countercyclical: they are high (low) when valuations are low (high). We find that asset managers’ portfolios reflect their heterogeneous expectations: allocation funds of asset managers with larger U.S. equity premium expectations invest significantly more in U.S. equities. The sensitivity of portfolios to expectations seems to be muted by investment mandates and is smaller than the one predicted by a standard portfolio choice model.

Which Subjective Expectations Explain Asset Prices?
来源:The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 37, Issue 6

作者:Ricardo De la O and Sean Myers

Abstract:We present a method for determining whether errors in expectations explain asset pricing puzzles without imposing assumptions about the error mechanism. Using accounting identities and survey forecasts, we find that errors in expected long-term inflation explain price variation, return predictability, and the rejection of the expectations hypothesis for aggregate stock and bond markets. Errors in short-term (long-term) nominal earnings growth expectations explain (do not explain) stock price variation and return predictability. The relevant errors are consistent with mistakes about the persistence of forecasted variables and the response to surprises. A simple framework based on fundamental extrapolation successfully replicates these findings. (JEL G40, G12, G14, E71)

Selective Default Expectations
来源:The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 37, Issue 6

作者:Olivier Accominotti, Thilo N H Albers and Kim Oosterlinck

Abstract:This paper explores how selective default expectations affect the pricing of sovereign bonds in a historical laboratory: the German default of the 1930s. We analyze yield differentials between identical government bonds traded across various creditor countries before and after bond market segmentation. We show that, when secondary debt markets are segmented, a large selective default probability can be priced in bond yield spreads. Selective default risk accounted for one-third of the yield spread of German external bonds over the risk-free rate during the 1930s. Selective default expectations arose from differences in the creditor countries’ economic power over the debtor.
