


本文是2024年论文速递系列的第六篇文章,我们精选了Management Science Volume 70 Issue 2-4 中与资产定价相关的论文,并提供中文及英文摘要,供读者参考。

Cashflow Timing vs. Discount-Rate Timing: An Examination of Mutual Fund Market-Timing Skills
来源:Management Science, Volume 70, Issue 2

作者:Chunhua Lan and Russ Wermers

Abstract:We measure the ability of professional investment managers in timing cashflow versus discount-rate news, the two components of market returns. We find that the average U.S. equity mutual fund exhibits cashflow-timing skills of 1.77%/year, but discount-rate timing of −0.87%/year; furthermore, cashflow-timing skills, but not discount-rate timing skills, strongly persist over future quarters. Our evidence indicates that misspecification of market-timing abilities accounts for the failure of prior research to locate talented timing funds. Importantly, we find that value funds outperform growth funds in timing cashflow news, which provides new evidence on the unique skills of value-oriented mutual funds.

Deep Learning in Asset Pricing
来源:Management Science, Volume 70, Issue 2

作者:Luyang Chen , Markus Pelger and Jason Zhu

Abstract:We use deep neural networks to estimate an asset pricing model for individual stock returns that takes advantage of the vast amount of conditioning information, keeps a fully flexible form, and accounts for time variation. The key innovations are to use the fundamental no-arbitrage condition as criterion function to construct the most informative test assets with an adversarial approach and to extract the states of the economy from many macroeconomic time series. Our asset pricing model outperforms out-of-sample all benchmark approaches in terms of Sharpe ratio, explained variation, and pricing errors and identifies the key factors that drive asset prices.

Do Differences in Analyst Quality Matter for Investors Relying on Consensus Information?
来源:Management Science, Volume 70, Issue 2

作者:Roni Michaely, Amir Rubin, Dan Segal and Alexander Vedrashko

Abstract:This study investigates whether investors can reap economic benefits from analyzing differences in analyst quality. Although high-quality analysts’ average forecast is more accurate than the consensus forecast for firms with a large analyst following, the benefits of using high-quality analysts’ average forecasts are not economically significant. In contrast, the value of analyst quality differentiation exists in the second moment of forecasts. High-quality analysts’ forecast dispersion gives investors an advantage in dealing with uncertainty by predicting return volatility and providing opportunities for economically significant returns using option straddle and post-earnings announcement drift investment strategies.

Predicting Bond Return Predictability
来源:Management Science, Volume 70, Issue 2

作者:Daniel Borup, Jonas N. Eriksen, Mads M. Kjær and Martin Thyrsgaard

Abstract:This paper provides empirical evidence on predictable time variations in out-of-sample bond return predictability. Bond return predictability is associated with periods of high (low) economic activity (uncertainty), which implies that violations of the expectations hypothesis are state dependent and linked to features of the business cycle. These state dependencies in predictability, established by introducing a new multivariate test for equal conditional predictive ability, can be used in real time to improve out-of-sample bond risk premia estimates and investors’ economic utility through a novel dynamic forecast combination scheme that uses predicted forecasting performance to identify the best set of methods to include in the combined forecast. Dynamically combined forecasts exhibit strong countercyclical behavior and peak during recessions.

On the Nature of (Jump) Skewness Risk Premia
来源:Management Science, Volume 70, Issue 2

作者:Piotr Orłowski, Paul Schneider and Fabio Trojani

Abstract:Market skewness risk is priced, but the components of its premium are not fully understood. We propose new trading strategies decomposing the skewness risk premium into jump and leverage effect components, and we analyze the skewness risk premia in the market for S&P 500 index options. We find that the skewness premium is higher when markets are closed than during trading hours, consistently with uncertainty resolution patterns by non-U.S investors; that it increases after left-tail market events; and that it is distinct from the variance premium. Moreover, during trading hours, the skewness premium is dominated by priced jump risk.

The Endowment Model and Modern Portfolio Theory
来源:Management Science, Volume 70, Issue 3

作者:Stephen G. Dimmock, Neng Wang and Jinqiang Yang

Abstract:We develop a dynamic portfolio choice model with illiquid alternative assets to analyze the “endowment model,” widely adopted by institutional investors, such as pension funds, university endowments, and sovereign wealth funds. In the model, the alternative asset has a lockup but can be liquidated at any time by paying a proportional cost. We model how investors can engage in liquidity diversification by investing in multiple illiquid alternative assets with staggered lockup expirations and show that doing so increases alternatives allocations and investor welfare. We show how illiquidity from lockups interacts with illiquidity from secondary market transaction costs resulting in endogenous and time-varying rebalancing boundaries. We extend the model to allow crisis states and show that increased illiquidity during crises causes holdings to deviate significantly from target allocations.

Testing Pricing Errors of Models with Latent Factors and Firm Characteristics as Covariances
来源:Management Science, Volume 70, Issue 3

作者:Chu Zhang

Abstract:This paper extends the methodology of statistically extracting latent factors in settings with return-predictive firm characteristics as conditional covariances (betas) between returns and factors. The main feature is that the pricing errors (alphas) are specified to be orthogonal to the affine-transformed firm characteristics as the betas with one component of pricing errors lying outside the space spanned by the firm characteristics. The specification is shown to make substantial differences with the extant literature as the zero pricing error hypothesis is strongly rejected for various models with commonly used firm characteristics.

A One-Factor Model of Corporate Bond Premia
来源:Management Science, Volume 70, Issue 3

作者:Redouane Elkamhi, Chanik Jo and Yoshio Nozawa

Abstract:A one-factor model based on long-run consumption growth explains the risk premiums on corporate bond portfolios sorted on credit rating, credit spreads, downside risk, idiosyncratic volatility, long-term reversals, maturity, and sensitivity to the financial intermediary capital factor. The estimated risk-aversion coefficient is lower when we use the consumption growth of wealthy households over a longer horizon as a risk factor, and a model with a 20-quarter horizon yields a risk-aversion coefficient of 15, a value similar to the one estimated from equity portfolios.

Digesting FOREXS: Information Transmission Across Asset Classes and Return Predictability
来源:Management Science, Volume 70, Issue 3

作者:Joon Woo Bae, Zhi Da and Virgilio Zurita

Abstract:We provide novel evidence that equity investors react to currency shocks with a delay. Using the cross-section of currency returns and the relative presence of U.S. firms in foreign economies, we compute a foreign operations-related exchange shock (FOREXS) measure. We find FOREXS to predict firms’ future cash flows and stock returns, driving much of the previously documented underreaction to foreign information. An FOREXS-based long-short strategy yields a 6.74% annualized abnormal return. FOREXS predictive power comes from firms’ incomplete hedging and investors’ limited attention, highlighting the challenges involved when processing information from a different asset class.

Default Risk and Option Returns
来源:Management Science, Volume 70, Issue 4

作者:Aurelio Vasquez and Xiao Xiao

Abstract:This paper studies the effects of default risk on expected equity option returns. In the cross-section, expected delta-hedged equity option returns have a negative relation with default risk measured by credit ratings or default probability. In the time series, credit rating downgrades (upgrades) lead to a decrease (increase) in the firm’s delta-hedged option return. Our results are consistent with a stylized capital structure model in which the negative relation between option returns and default risk is driven by firm leverage and asset volatility.

Sequential Learning and Economic Benefits from Dynamic Term Structure Models
来源:Management Science, Volume 70, Issue 4

作者:Tomasz Dubiel-Teleszynski, Konstantinos Kalogeropoulos and Nikolaos Karouzakis

Abstract:We explore the statistical and economic importance of restrictions on the dynamics of risk compensation from the perspective of a real-time Bayesian learner who predicts bond excess returns using dynamic term structure models (DTSMs). The question on whether potential statistical predictability offered by such models can generate economically significant portfolio benefits out-of-sample is revisited while imposing restrictions on their risk premia parameters. To address this question, we propose a methodological framework that successfully handles sequential model search and parameter estimation over the restriction space in real time, allowing investors to revise their beliefs when new information arrives, thus informing their asset allocation and maximizing their expected utility. Empirical results reinforce the argument of sparsity in the market price of risk specification since we find strong evidence of out-of-sample predictability only for those models that allow for level risk to be priced and, additionally, only one or two of these risk premia parameters to be different than zero. Most importantly, such statistical evidence is turned into economically significant utility gains, across prediction horizons, different time periods and portfolio specifications. In addition to identifying successful DTSMs, the sequential version of the stochastic search variable selection scheme developed can be applied on its own and offer useful diagnostics monitoring key quantities over time. Connections with predictive regressions are also provided.
