


本文是2024年论文速递系列的第七篇文章,我们精选了Journal of Financial Economics Volume 157-158 中与资产定价相关的论文,并提供中文及英文摘要,供读者参考。

Tiny trades, big questions: Fractional shares
来源:Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 157

作者:Robert P. Bartlett, Justin McCrary and Maureen O'Hara

Abstract:This paper investigates fractional share trading. We develop a latency-based method for identifying a large sample of fractional share trades. We find that high-priced stocks, meme stocks, IPOs, SPACs, and popular retail stocks exhibit considerable numbers of these tiny trades. We surmise that this reflects dollar-based order entry, with many tiny trades being fractional components of larger orders. We show that our fractional trade measure is predictive of future liquidity and volatility, suggesting a new metric to capture the information in retail trades. We identify how data and reporting protocols preclude knowing the extent of fractional share trading, inflate volume data, and provide censured samples of these off-exchange trades.
摘要:本文研究了零股交易。我们提出了一种基于延迟的方法,用于识别大量的零股交易。我们发现,高价股、抱团股(meme stocks)、IPO、SPAC以及受欢迎的零星股票都存在着大量的这种小额交易。我们推测这反映了基于美元的订单输入,很多小额交易其实是较大订单的一部分。此外,我们展示了我们的零股交易指标能够预测到未来市场的流动性和波动性,这表明该指标是捕捉零售交易信息的新度量标准。最后,我们识别出数据和报告协议如何阻碍我们对零股交易的了解程度、夸大交易量数据,并提供这些场外交易的审查样本。

Associative memory, beliefs and market interactions

来源:Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 157

作者:Benjamin Enke, Frederik Schwerter and Florian Zimmermann

Abstract:Recent theories and narratives highlight the potential role of associative recall in driving overreaction in expectations and market behavior. Based on a simple model, we test this idea through a series of experiments in which news are communicated with memorable contexts. Because the experimental participants predominantly remember those past news that get cued by new information, their beliefs about fundamentals strongly overreact. In a betting market experiment, associative recall translates into overreaction in market prices, which makes realized prices too extreme. Our results highlight the importance of associative memory for beliefs and financial decisions.

When the markets get CO.V.I.D: COntagion, Viruses, and Information Diffusion
来源:Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 157

作者:Maria Jose Arteaga-Garavito, Mariano M. Croce, Paolo Farroni and Isabella Wolfskeil

Abstract:We quantify the exposure of major financial markets to news shocks about global contagion risk while accounting for local epidemic conditions. For a wide cross section of countries, we construct a novel dataset comprising (i) announcements related to COVID19 and (ii) high-frequency data on epidemic news diffused through Twitter (Hassan et al., 2019’s methodology). We provide novel empirical evidence about financial dynamics both around epidemic announcements and at daily/intra-daily frequencies. Analysis of contagion data and social media activity about COVID19 suggest that the market price of contagion risk is significant.
摘要:在考虑本地疫情状况的情况下,我们量化了主要金融市场受全球传染风险新闻冲击的暴露。我们针对横截面众多的国家构建了一个新的数据集,包括(i)与COVID-19相关的公告和(ii)通过Twitter传播的疫情新闻高频数据(采用Hassan et al. 2019的方法)。我们提供了疫情公告前后并且是每日/日内频率金融动态的新实证证据。对COVID-19的传染数据和社交媒体活动的分析表明,传染风险市场价格显著。

Financial constraints, cash flow timing patterns, and asset prices
来源:Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 157

作者:Weiping Hu, Kai Li and Xiao Zhang

Abstract:We show that firms collect almost 70% of their cash flows in the second half of the fiscal year, and that firms that collect more cash by year-end earn a 6.8% higher per annum risk premium and save more cash. We rationalize these facts in a quantitative investment-based asset pricing model. Immediate cash payments negatively affect profitability, but reduce equity financing costs by increasing information transparency. Financially constrained firms optimally collect more cash at year-end when firms’ performance attracts more attention and information transparency is more valuable. Such behavior further results in greater exposure to aggregate productivity and financial shocks.

Intermediary-based equity term structure
来源:Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 157

作者:Kai Li and Chenjie Xu

Abstract:We demonstrate that a financial intermediary-based asset pricing model offers a compelling explanation for a new set of conditional moments of equity term structure and convenience yields. The model’s key mechanism is that the time-varying tightness of intermediaries’ leverage constraints drives significant mean reversion in the price of risk. This model guides us in devising a novel empirical methodology to estimate the tightness of these constraints (i.e., the Relative Tightness Index) from cross-sectional returns of various asset classes. Our findings affirm that this measure significantly drives the dynamics of equity yield slope and convenience yields, both empirically and quantitatively.

The passive ownership share is double what you think it is
来源:Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 157

作者:Alex Chinco and Marco Sammon

Abstract:Each time a stock gets added to or dropped from an index, we ask: “How much money would have to be tracking that index to explain the huge spike in rebalancing volume we observe on reconstitution day?” While index funds held 16% of the US stock market in 2021, we put the overall passive ownership share at 33.5%. Our headline number is twice as large because it reflects index funds as well as other kinds of passive investors, such as institutional investors with internally managed index portfolios and active managers who are closet indexing.

The diversification and welfare effects of robo-advising
来源:Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 157
作者:Alberto G. Rossi and Stephen Utkus
Abstract:We study the diversification and welfare effects of a large US robo-advisor on the portfolios of previously self-directed investors and document five facts. First, robo-advice reshapes portfolios by increasing indexing and reducing home bias, number of assets held, and fees. Second, these portfolio changes contribute to higher Sharpe ratios. Third, those who benefit most from robo-advice are investors who did not have high exposure to equities or indexing and had poorer diversification levels. Fourth, robo-advice decreases the time investors dedicate to managing their investments. Fifth, those investors who benefit most are more likely to join the service and not quit it.

The social signal
来源:Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 158

作者:J. Anthony Cookson, Runjing Lu, William Mullins and Marina Niessner

Abstract:We examine social media attention and sentiment from three major platforms: Twitter, StockTwits, and Seeking Alpha. We find that, even after controlling for firm disclosures and news, attention is highly correlated across platforms, but sentiment is not: its first principal component explains little more variation than purely idiosyncratic sentiment. Using market events, we attribute differences across platforms to differences in users (e.g., professionals versus novices) and differences in platform design (e.g., character limits in posts). We also find that sentiment and attention contain different return-relevant information. Sentiment predicts positive next-day returns, but attention predicts negative next-day returns. These results highlight the importance of considering both social media sentiment and attention, and of distinguishing between different investor social media platforms.
摘要:我们利用三个主要平台(Twitter、StockTwits和Seeking Alpha)研究社交媒体的关注度和情绪。我们发现,即使控制了公司披露和新闻,跨平台的关注度仍然高度相关,但情绪则并非如此:其第一主成分解释的变化与纯粹的特质性情绪差不多。利用市场事件,我们将平台间的差异归因于用户的差异(例如专业人士与新手)和平台设计的差异(例如帖子的字符限制)。我们还发现,情绪和关注度包含不同的收益相关的信息。情绪预测第二天的正回报,而关注度预测第二天的负回报。这些结果强调了同时考虑社交媒体情绪和关注度,以及区分不同投资者社交媒体平台的重要性。

How do Treasury dealers manage their positions?
来源:Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 158

作者:Michael Fleming, Giang Nguyen and Joshua Rosenberg

Abstract:Using 31 years of data (1990–2020) on U.S. Treasury dealer positions, we find that Treasury issuance is the main driver of dealers’ weekly inventory changes. Such inventory fluctuations are only partially offset in adjacent weeks and not significantly hedged with futures. Dealers are compensated for inventory risk by means of subsequent price appreciation of their holdings. Amid increased balance sheet costs attributable to post-crisis regulatory changes, dealers significantly reduce their position taking and layoff inventory faster. Moreover, the increased participation of non-dealers (investment funds) in the primary market contributes to diminishing compensation for inventory risk taken on at auctions.
