


本文是2024年论文速递系列的第八篇文章,我们精选了Management Science Volume 70 Issue 5-6 中与资产定价相关的论文,并提供中文及英文摘要,供读者参考。

Countercyclical Risks, Consumption, and Portfolio Choice: Theory and Evidence
来源:Management Science, Volume 70, Issue 5

作者:Jialu Shen

Abstract:Using a quantitative, calibrated life-cycle model, I show that countercyclical earnings risk affects individual consumption growth, reduces the share of wealth in stocks, and affects savings behavior. Using the Panel Study of Income Dynamics survey, I construct an empirical measure of countercyclical earnings risk and find evidence consistent with the model’s predictions. Specifically, larger downside earnings risk decreases consumption growth, increases left skewness in consumption growth, and reduces the share of wealth in stocks. Furthermore, the consumption effects are substantially more significant for stockholders than for nonstockholders, which arises through heterogeneity in the elasticity of intertemporal substitution.

Birds of a Feather: Do Hedge Fund Managers Flock Together?

来源:Management Science, Volume 70, Issue 5

作者:Marc Gerritzen, Jens Jackwerth and Alberto Plazzi

Abstract:Mandatory filings for UK hedge funds suggest that managers having worked at the same prior employer invest more similarly in terms of distances of returns. If they overlapped in employment, increasing the chance of social ties, investments become even more similar. The joint effect accounts for up to two thirds of the difference in investing behavior. Results are robust to fund- and manager-level controls as well as to identification concerns. With controls, the same-employer effect is concentrated in the systematic component (beta), whereas the overlap effect is concentrated in the idiosyncratic components (alpha and residuals). Managerial ties make any two funds more similar in their stock holdings. Moreover, portfolios of connected funds outperform their peers in terms of alpha, return volatility, and Sharpe ratio.

The Use of Credit Ratings in the Delegated Management of Fixed Income Assets
来源:Management Science, Volume 70, Issue 5

作者:Ramin P. Baghai, Bo Becker and Stefan Pitschner

Abstract:Investment mandates of fixed income funds constrain managers’ portfolio decisions, often employing credit ratings to classify asset risk. We categorize U.S. and European fixed income funds’ mandates using textual analysis and measure the use of ratings. Over the past two decades, despite the weaknesses of ratings revealed in the global financial crisis, ratings use has increased significantly. Since 2010, the fraction of funds not using ratings in any way has fallen by almost half in both the United States and Europe. By 2020, 94% of U.S. funds and 65% of European funds used ratings. These patterns fit agency-based models of investment mandates and point to a lack of practically useful alternatives.
摘要:固定收益基金的投资委托限制了经理的投资组合决策,使其通常利用信用评级来对资产风险进行分类。我们利用文本分析对美国和欧洲固定收益基金的投资委托进行分类,并衡量评级的使用情况。尽管全球金融危机暴露了评级的缺点,但在过去二十年里,评级的使用还是显著增加。自2010年以来,在美国和欧洲,未以任何方式使用评级的基金比例下降了近一半。到2020年,94%的美国基金和65%的欧洲基金使用了评级。这些模式符合基于主体 (agency-based) 的投资委托模型,并表明缺乏实际有用的替代方案。

Emotional Engagement and Trading Performance
来源:Management Science, Volume 70, Issue 6

作者:Peter Bossaerts, Felix Fattinger, Kristian Rotaru and Kaitong Xu

Abstract:Emotional involvement is known to be necessary but not sufficient for good decision making in the face of uncertainty. It has been conjectured that emotional engagement in anticipation of risky outcomes constitutes “good” emotions. We introduce a new methodology to determine whether anticipatory emotional engagement is beneficial in the context of trading in financial markets. We focus on heart rate changes because they occur at a sufficiently high frequency to discern timing relative to events in the marketplace. After conservatively adjusting for multiple hypothesis testing, we find that participants whose heart rate changes anticipate their order submissions at inflated prices earn significantly more, whereas participants whose heart rate responds to their trades earn significantly less. By investigating cointegration between skin conductance response and the dynamics of individual portfolio values, we confirm the importance of emotional involvement in determining who makes or loses money.

Dynamic Market Timing in Mutual Funds
来源:Management Science, Volume 70, Issue 6

作者:Jeffrey A. Busse, Jing Ding, Lei Jiang and Ke Wu

Abstract:We use the dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) model to estimate daily frequency mutual fund betas. Compared with traditional estimates, daily betas better capture changes in fund risk stemming from daily fund trading activity. Based on these beta estimates and a two-stage estimation procedure, we find significant evidence of market timing ability among actively managed U.S. equity funds that is not apparent via standard approaches. Unlike traditional measures, our timing estimates correlate positively with fund performance. Market timing is especially evident during down markets, with successful timers exhibiting low downside risk. Timing ability persists across time and attracts investor flows.

Cross-Sectional Variation of Option-Implied Volatility Skew
来源:Management Science, Volume 70, Issue 6

作者:Liuren Wu and Meng Tian

Abstract:The stock option-implied volatility skew reflects both the structural risk characteristics of the underlying company and the short-term information flow about the stock price movement. This paper builds a semistructural, cross-sectional option pricing model to separate the structural risk contributions from the information flow. The model identifies two structural risk sources that contribute to the cross-sectional variation of the skew: the company’s business cyclicality and its default risk. The model can explain as much as 44% of the cross-sectional variation in implied volatility skew and is particularly informative during and after recessions. The remaining skew variation reflects mainly short-term information flow and can be used to construct stock portfolios with much better investment performance and without hidden structural risk exposures.

Counterparty Risk and Counterparty Choice in the Credit Default Swap Market
来源:Management Science, Volume 70, Issue 6
作者:Wenxin Du, Salil Gadgil, Michael B. Gordy and Clara Vega
Abstract:We investigate how market participants price and manage counterparty credit risk using confidential trade repository data on single-name credit default swap (CDS) transactions. We find that counterparty risk has a modest impact on the pricing of CDS contracts but a large impact on the choice of counterparties. For contracts ineligible for central clearing, we show that market participants are significantly less likely to trade with counterparties whose credit risk is highly correlated with the credit risk of the reference entities and with counterparties whose credit quality is low. For clearable contracts, we find that nondealers are more likely to clear during a crisis and less likely to clear when the reference entity is a large U.S. dealer or a sovereign.
摘要:我们利用单一名称信用违约掉期(single-name credit default swap)交易的保密交易库数据,研究市场参与者如何定价和管理交易对手信用风险。我们发现,交易对手风险对CDS合约定价的影响适中,但对交易对手的选择影响较大。对于不符合中央清算资格的合约,我们的结果表明市场参与者不太可能与其信用风险和参考实体的信用风险高度相关的交易对手、以及信用质量较低的交易对手进行交易。对于可清算合约,我们发现非交易商在危机期间更有可能进行清算,而在参考实体是大型美国交易商或主权国家时清算的可能性较低。

Discrimination and Economic Expectations
来源:Management Science, Volume 70, Issue 6

作者:William Bazley, Yosef Bonaparte, George Korniotis and Alok Kumar

Abstract:This paper examines whether perceptions of discrimination affect the economic expectations of U.S. households. We focus on two forms of expectations that play a central role in economic and financial decisions of households: labor income and inflation. Using experimental data, we demonstrate that discrimination generates greater dispersion in household forecasts. It increases subjective expectations of income uncertainty by 8% and inflation uncertainty by 5%. The impact of discrimination is concentrated among racial/ethnic minorities, inducing 12%–16% greater variation in their income uncertainty expectations and 10%–12% greater variation in their inflation uncertainty expectations. Both psychological and emotional factors appear to influence the discrimination–economic expectations relation.
