


本文是2024年论文速递系列的第九篇文章,我们精选了Management Science Volume 70 Issue 7 中与资产定价相关的论文,并提供中文及英文摘要,供读者参考。

 Skewness Sentiment and Market Anomalies
来源:Management Science, Volume 70, Issue 7

作者:Alok Kumar, Mehrshad Motahari and Richard J. Taffler

Abstract:This study demonstrates that skewness preference of investors is an important driver of various market anomalies. Using a combined measure of mispricing based on 11 prominent anomaly strategies, we show that return predictability associated with the mispricing component of market anomalies is stronger among firms with higher idiosyncratic skewness. The predictability differences are driven by the higher underperformance of high-skewness firms in short anomaly portfolios. Skewness does not affect the performance of long anomaly portfolios. Portfolio holdings data from a retail brokerage firm show that investors with stronger skewness preferences assign relatively larger weights to stocks in short anomaly portfolios.

Employee Satisfaction, Labor Market Flexibility, and Stock Returns Around the World

来源:Management Science, Volume 70, Issue 7

作者:Alex Edmans, Darcy Pu, Chendi Zhang and Lucius Li

Abstract:Studying 30 countries, we find that the link between employee satisfaction and stock returns is significantly increasing in a country’s labor market flexibility. This result is consistent with employee satisfaction having greater recruitment, retention, and motivation benefits where firms face fewer hiring and firing constraints and employees have greater ability to respond to satisfaction. Labor market flexibility also increases the link between employee satisfaction and current valuation ratios, future profitability, and future earnings surprises, inconsistent with omitted risk factors and identifying channels through which employee satisfaction may affect stock returns. The findings have implications for the differential profitability of socially responsible investing strategies around the world—in particular, the importance of considering institutional factors when forming such strategies.

Value Uncertainty
来源:Management Science, Volume 70, Issue 7

作者:Turan G. Bali, Luca Del Viva, Menatalla El Hefnawy and Lenos Trigeorgis

Abstract:We examine how time-series volatility of book-to-market (UNC) is priced in equity returns and the relative contributions of its book volatility (variations in earnings and book value) and market volatility components (shocks in required return). UNC captures valuation risk, so stocks with high valuation risk earn higher return. An investment strategy long in high-UNC firms and short in low-UNC firms generates 8.5% annual risk-adjusted return. UNC valuation risk premium is driven by outperformance of high-UNC firms facing higher information risk and is not explained by established risk factors and firm characteristics.

Generalized Stochastic Arbitrage Opportunities

来源:Management Science, Volume 70, Issue 7

作者:Stelios Arvanitis and Thierry Post

Abstract:Concepts are introduced and applied for analyzing and selecting arbitrage portfolios in the face of uncertainty about initial positions and risk preferences. A stochastic arbitrage opportunity is defined as a zero-cost investment portfolio that enhances every feasible host portfolio for all admissible utility functions. The alternative to the existence of such investment opportunities is the existence of a solution to a dual system of asset pricing restrictions based on a class of stochastic discount factors. Feasible approaches to numerical optimization and statistical inference are discussed. Empirical results suggest that equity factor investing is appealing for all risk-averse stock investors with a wide range of initial position and sufficiently low transactions costs by mixing multiple factor portfolios with high after-cost appraisal ratios, low mutual correlation, and negative exposures to the relevant host portfolios. These findings weaken the case for risk-based explanations for the profitability of factor investing.

Who Profits from Trading Options?
来源:Management Science, Volume 70, Issue 7

作者:Jianfeng Hu, Antonia Kirilova, Seongkyu (Gilbert) Park and Doojin Ryu

Abstract:We use account-level transaction data to examine trading styles and profitability in a leading derivatives market. Approximately 66% of active retail investors predominantly hold simple, one-sided positions in only one class of options, whereas institutional investors are more likely to use complex strategies. Hypothesizing that the complexity of trading styles reflects investors’ skills, we examine the effect of options trading styles on investment performance. We find that retail investors using simple strategies lose to the rest of the market. For both retail and institutional investors, selling volatility is the most successful strategy. We conclude that these style effects are persistent and cannot be fully explained by systematic risk exposure.

Disclosure Similarity and Future Stock Return Comovement
来源:Management Science, Volume 70, Issue 7

作者:Travis A. Dyer, Darren T. Roulstone and Andrew Van Buskirk

Abstract:Existing research often assumes that firms’ financial reporting choices influence their return comovement with other firms. We examine the validity of that assumption. First, we provide initial evidence suggesting that similarity in two firms’ disclosures not only predicts but influences future return comovement between those two firms. Second, we show that this predictive ability aggregates to the market level; disclosure similarity can be used to estimate more accurate forward-looking market betas. Taken together, these two results suggest that firms’ reporting decisions can influence their firms’ betas even in the absence of changes to capital structure or operations.

Mutual Fund Fragility, Dealer Liquidity Provision, and the Pricing of Municipal Bonds
来源:Management Science, Volume 70, Issue 7
作者:Yi Li, Maureen O’Hara and Xing (Alex) Zhou
Abstract:Against the backdrop of COVID-19, we study how the interactions of mutual funds and dealers introduce fragility to the municipal bond market and induce lasting market impacts. During the crisis, trading surges, whereas dealers’ liquidity provision plunges for mutual-fund-held bonds, leading to greater price depressions in these bonds. Importantly, the crisis reshapes the market’s perceptions of mutual fund fragility risks, with the aftermath-yield spreads widening significantly more for bonds with greater mutual fund exposures. Such postcrisis pricing effects reflect dealers’ continued reluctance to provide liquidity for mutual fund–held bonds, and they are stronger for bonds whose mutual fund holders are more susceptible to investor runs.

Market Reaction to CEOs’ Dynamic Hemifacial Asymmetry of Expressions
来源:Management Science, Volume 70, Issue 7

作者:Rajiv D. Banker, Hui Ding, Rong Huang and Xiaorong Li

Abstract:Neuropsychological studies propose that listeners unconsciously assess speakers’ trustworthiness via their facial expressions. Building on this theory, we investigate how investors respond to CEOs’ dynamic hemifacial asymmetry of expressions (HFAsy) shown in CNBC’s video interviews about corporate earnings. Consistent with the neuropsychological prediction that facial asymmetry induces distrust, we document that (1) the stock market reacts negatively to the CEO’s HFAsy shown in the interview video, and (2) the market reaction to favorable earnings news is negatively associated with the CEO’s HFAsy. We also find a significantly positive association between the short-window abnormal bid-ask spreads and HFAsy, suggesting a larger investor disagreement for firms with high-HFAsy CEOs. Furthermore, we show that analyst forecast revisions are negatively associated with CEOs’ HFAsy. Our results are robust to conducting a falsification test using the previous quarter as a pseudo-event, employing an alternative measure of HFAsy, and using more granular trading data at the second level. Overall, our study provides evidence that investor trust and trading behavior are affected by the dynamic hemifacial asymmetry of expressions appearing on CEOs’ faces.
摘要:神经心理学研究提出,听众会通过说话者的面部表情无意识地评估其可信度。在此理论基础上,我们研究了投资者对CNBC关于公司盈利的视频采访中CEO动态的半面部不对称表情(HFAsy)有何反应。与神经心理学预测的面部不对称引发不信任一致,我们记录到(1)股票市场对采访视频中显示的CEO HFAsy反应消极,以及(2)市场对正面盈利新闻的反应与CEO的HFAsy呈负相关。我们还发现,短期异常买卖价差与HFAsy显著正相关,表明投资者对具有高HFAsy CEO的公司存在更大的分歧。此外,我们发现分析师的预测修正与CEO的HFAsy呈负相关。我们的结果在进行使用前一季度作为伪事件的证伪检验、采用HFAsy的替代测量方法以及使用更精细的秒级交易数据后仍然稳健。总体而言,我们的研究提供了证据表明投资者的信任和交易行为受CEO的动态半面部不对称表情的影响。
